Proteste Roșia Montană 2013-2021

Romania -- A protester holds a flag reading "Save Rosia Montana" during the eight day of demonstrations in Bucharest, September 8, 2013

Romania -- tens of thousand of people protested in Bucharest for the 22nd day against the opening of Rosia Montana goldmine, undated.

Romania -- Protesters hold banners and shout slogans during a march in front of government headquarters in Bucharest, September 8, 2013

Romania -- Protesters shout slogans during a demonstration against the opening of the Rosia Montana open cast gold mine in Bucharest, September 1, 2013
Romania - Protests against the governmental project Rosia Montana, Bucharest (Soursă: @Stelian Pavalache |, September 5, 2013.
Rosia Montana protest, protesters with banners at PNL, Bucharest 29.06.2021
Romania -- A protester wave Romanian flag as he climbed on a monument during the fifteen day of demonstrations against the Rosia Montana Gold Corporation (RMGC), a Canadian gold mine project using cyanide, Bucharest, September 15, 2013
Rosia Montana protest, protesters with banners at PNL , Bucharest 29.06.2021
Romania, massive protest against the Rosia Montana gold mine project